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Best Android Screen Touch Lock Screen For Touch Lock Screen & strong photo password

Touch Lock Screen Easy & strong photo password

Touch screen lock

It is a new style password unlocking phone by touching specific parts of photo.

Display a cool photo on your cell phone screen and use it as a quick and simple way to unlock by touching specific positions of the photo!!
The touch lock screen can simply set a “touch password” with the touch of specific positions on your photo such as eyes, nose, mouth, face, or hand.

– It provides an advanced level of security as both “Photo” and “Touch position” set on the lock screen become a touch password.

– As soon as others touch the screen on the cell phone, a “warning” message pops up so no one else can unlock it.

– It safeguards my cell phone filled with confidential financial data and personal information.

Cool photos turning into your cell phone password!!! @@
– I can also use photos of K-pop stars and their stage performance that I cherish in my phone.
Photos of my girlfriend that I took in person, the lifetime best shot, travel photos, family photos, and some nice photos I downloaded from Internet can be used as strong password as well.

– I can also set my baby’s cute photo on the first screen of my grandmother’s cell phone to use it as both photo album and screen lock. Available to use any photo I want, this is a genuine photo touch lock screen~

It is simply done only if I touch any position I want on the photo of my choice. Lock screen compatible with any version of cell phone
– Surprisingly, this simple and powerful new security technology is compatible with low-end and old mobile phones as long as their screens are touch-aware.

– Since I can directly set the “touch password” on my favorite photo, my cell phone becomes much easier to use in addition to its decoration effect.

– There is no inconvenience of setting a separate password on my phone once I set the photo password. This is because lock screen’s touch position itself functions as a strong password.
This first introduced “Touch Lock Screen” is a patented technology using graphic authentication.

Security is undoubtedly strong
An innovative way to avoid exposing password to others when entering the “Touch Password”! It is because It only comes with the touch-lock screen.

Should I be concerned about the possibility that only touching photos makes my phone vulnerable to certain security breaches such as an attempt to crack my phone’s password by guess or unintended password exposure to others? No need to worry.

– There is a technology hidden inside the touch lock screen that prevents others from finding out what actually makes up the “touch password” during its use. The password is hardly noticeable even if it is shown purposefully.
This magic like technology, which is being introduced for the first time in the world, is also patented technology.


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